About the Author

What I want people to know about me is that I am deeply devoted to our Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve never known a day that I have not loved Christ. I am a gentle soul but a defender of the faith and a warrior for justice. I was called to evangelistic ministry when I was only 11 years old after spending the summer teaching VBS to Indian Children in Montana who were my own age.  I was blessed with musical gifts at a very young age. I loved to play the piano and sing the old hymns. Music was how I connected to God. The piano bench became a place of worship for me and those hymns taught me theology.  It was 40 years before I finally stepped into a pulpit to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that He died for our sins, those committed by us and those committed upon us, and that by His grace alone, we have been washed and made whole.  As a child, I did not know how hard it would be to live out God’s call on my life to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.  I should have!!  One needs only to look at the Twelve Disciples and the Prophets before them to know life as a Disciple and Prophet would be difficult. Jesus, in fact, said it would be. And, all the trials that Jesus faced, the criticisms, rejections, Pharisees, those who betray you for a poke of dust, those who bear false witness to promote their own self-interests, the crucifiers, all of it, still exists today just as it did back during the time of Jesus and or his Disciples. The stories that are found in Scripture continue to play out today.  So, tell me, what part do you play in the story?  The woman at the well? The visionary who saw fit to remove tiles to lower his friend in need down to Jesus? Or, Judas? Perhaps a Pharisee? Whoever you are, may God bless you and may you experience His saving grace!

Sandralyn Pierce

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